Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Who : Crazy Commie

What : On a mission - by hook or crook, in urgent requirement of Rs.11 Lakhs ASAP!

Why : To attain his object of desire! :)

[What to do, she comes at a high price!]

So here's our mission plan (mostly listed by Crazy commie himself) but couple contributed by the humble "facilitator" of the Mission plan:
  • Start a Trust Fund with the name "Help Crazy Commie fulfill his tamanna". Donations will be solicited, welcomed, begged and pleaded. 100 % no tax exemption. Strategy : Stand outside every new mall opening in Bangalore holding aloft a banner with the trust fund's name.

  • Request this certain person we know to sell his CRV to faciliate Commie attaining his object of desire. But the catch is, who would bell the cat ? ;)

  • 'Get into the insides' of the Object of desire and conquer from within. (This has been scoffed at by Commie himself!)

  • Buy a locker and run a marathon on a Sunday around Lalbagh, Cubbon Park, Ulsoor Lake and Sankey Tank. (somehow, the locker needs to be on the marathon too!)

The mind is okay, but the heart wants to go for it... this or that ? the R1 or the MT-01?

Take your pick and in case you decide to contribute to Crazy Commie (for no riding rights whatsoever), feel free to get in touch with the writer for negotiating a better deal with Crazy Commie!

The road is long and winding, but I have miles to zoom before I get off.

All this emanating from a 2 AM chat between 2 workaholics. Life just could n't get better!


EvolutioN said...

Da... You could start off matters by:

(a) donating a start-off amount of say... around a lakh or so... I am 10 lakhs closer!

(b) belling the cat... erm whatever!

yea ha ha ha...

Love, laughter n keep the Faith


Sharan said...

See, I could n't resist belling the cat ;)